Friday, October 30, 2009

Change your filters

This is an important note to all of my vacuum table customers.
You need to change your vacuum filter element at least every 6 months periodically.
You change the oil filter on your car every 3000 miles with the oil change don't you?
As the Fram oil filter people say "You can pay me now or you can pay me later"
So lets pretend that your CNC router is an automobile and you go by the same scenario.
Each time you lube your CNC, change your filter.
$50.00 for a Filter Element or thousands for a new vacuum pump.
Most people underestimate the importance of this.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Due to recent cutbacks at our company, I am forced to make some sacrifices myself.
As I notified many of my customers, I am only in my office twice a week. Usually Monday and Tuesday. The remainder of the time I work from my home office. I do check my voice and e-mail periodically through out the day and attempt to reply as soon as I possibly can.
I regret causing any inconvenience and still keep my customers my highest priority.

Ray Jakas

Sunday, October 4, 2009

"O" Flutes for mechanical plastics

When cutting soft plastics it is good to utilize single edge "O" flute geometry which tends to curl a chip during the machining process. This tooling when properly applied within a narrow range of chipload (Typically .004" to .012") . The consequence of the improperly curled chips is visible knife marks that adversely affect the finish.
The only caution with single edge tooling is to avoid using diameters over 3/8" because of balance issues associated with the tooling. If larger diameters are needed, the double edge alleviates the balance problem while providing a much improved bottom finish for slotting applications.
The double edge tools additionally provide longer cutting edges for deeper cuts of two to four times the cutting edge diameter at fast feed rates.